Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SOLSC #11 - "Wonder" at Walmart

Read more slices at
Two Writing Teachers

I love sharing books with students, teachers, family and yes, even strangers.

Last night I made my middle-of-the-week Walmart trip.  I always have to make a detour through the book section just to see if there is something new on the shelves.

As I turned the corner, I spied a girl with "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio.  Do I say something?  Will she get scared if a complete stranger speaks to her? 

I decided to take a chance, because how often do I get booktalk "Wonder" in Walmart?

"That is a great book."  I say to her.

"My teacher is reading it to us."

"Your teacher has great taste in books.  What grade are you in?"


"That's what grade I teach. Where are you in the book?"

"Well, we are somewhere in the beginning."

I lean over and whisper to her, "Have you read the part about the farting nurse?"

She looks at me and smiles kind of embarrassed.  That was all I needed to know!  Yep!  They had read it!

Ahhh....book-talking in Walmart - a day in Walmart can't get much better than that!


  1. I just love chatting to kids about what they are reading. I must get that book. My class would probably like it. Thanks for the share.

  2. When I see kids around books, or parents too, I often can't resist sharing some info, Leigh Anne. Good for you stepping right in to give a little more praise for that beautiful book!

  3. Awesome! That just rocks! I love her look at the end.

  4. That moment - that book - that kid...a "Wonder"-ful slice, Leigh Anne (sorry , I couldn't resist!).

  5. So cool! Wonder is on my list of books to read.

  6. Such a great book! So glad you spoke up. After all, books connect us!

  7. Just ordered that book the other day! Kudos for being brave!

  8. I want to kick myself sometimes when I miss an opportunity to say something because I don't step out. Love that you feel comfortable enough to do that. I'm going to have to check this book out.

  9. I am so glad to hear that somebody else does! I love recommending books to kids in the grocery store, at the library, at the airport, ok, well, just about anyplace. My boys think it's embarrassing!
