
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Celebrate Turn #3

I am ever so grateful to Ruth Ayres for inviting us to share and celebrate events, big or small, from our week.

Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement  last week.  When a person has so many stressful events coming from different angles, life can be so overwhelming.  I celebrate your words. 

I live in Indiana, and if you have read news reports, tweets, or blog posts about our state testing, you know it has been a mess.  For the next three weeks we will stop instruction and begin our first round of testing, including a week of practice testing.

As bad as it has been, our teachers have continued teaching and being positive for our students.  The students know we have adopted new standards and the new test will be much different, longer, and more rigorous than any other test they have taken before.  Teachers, principals, coaches, and students have been flexible by adapting to changes that have been thrown at us, even days before testing begins.  We have all worked hard, and today I celebrate my colleagues, my administration, and most importantly, my students.

I celebrate no snow far.  We have Monday off for President's Day which is the first time we have had it off for several years.  If we continue to have this no-snow-day pattern, we will also have off the Fridays in May which I love, love, love!

I celebrate my Grandma!  Yes, I am 50 years old and still have my grandma.  I had lunch with her today because my mom and my aunts went out of town, and they needed someone to look in on her.  I hate the fact that her mind is slipping, but we had a great time together eating lunch and sorting cards.  To keep her mind active, my aunts tells her the playing cards got mixed up and she needs someone to sort them.  

For those of you who have read my first slice - It was March on the milk carton today! Celebrate!

I hope all of you have a great week and have many celebrations along the way!


  1. How lucky you are to have your Grandma! I miss mine very much!
    We have started our round of testing and preparing for the test here in Colorado. Not a fan that's for sure. Way to find the celebrations!

  2. I can't believe all of this testing. It is absolutely ridiculous. I am so impressed by your positive attitude!

  3. So sorry for the testing, and best wishes too. It sounds like you do have good support from the whole crew! How lovely you still have your grandma-mine lived a long time, too & I felt blessed. Happy Valentine's Day, Leigh Anne!

  4. Testing overload - hard stuff - way to find some celebrations! Enjoy your grandmother.

  5. How awesome that you were able to have lunch with your grandma, Leigh Anne! Such a treasure to still have her in your life. So far this year, we have had two snow (cold) days. I'm worried that another one is coming our way on Wednesday. The high temp is supposed to be -4 degrees. Brrrr...Stay warm & enjoy your day off!


  6. Leigh Anne it is good catchy up with your news. Yes, testing is a stressful event for teachers and students but it is reality in this day and age. So make your children test ready by keeping their passions high, keeping their stress level low, and breathing for peace. I just got around to posting my celebration piece.
