Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating a place to share our Slice of Life.  Read more slices or add you own here.

It has been over a month since I have written a slice.  

Many reasons.


        the life turns of parenting young adult children.


     what to do when a kiss and a bandaid no longer make things "all better."


     to breathe when it seems that every breath I take is momentarlily held




     that through hard turns we become stronger.


  1. Yes, I hold out the hope for becoming stronger...for my daughter and for me as we navigate through these same times.

  2. The growing of a family and the relationships are hard. Hang in there and weather the storms. Live will go down but it always turns and goes back up. Thinking of you. I love how you expressed your turns this summer.

  3. Mom's heart is always mom's heart, and we always wish that everything was fine with our kids. Lets hope that our love has helped them to build resilience.

  4. Glad you're back to writing Slices of Life. It's been over a month since I've written a Slice of Life. Thinking of you and praying for you. You're a good mom!

  5. Parenting young adult children turns almost everything you know about being mom on its head. But hang in there because as you know from raising children every new growth spurt has some pain but the child emerges changed but fascinating.

  6. A parent's life is full of turns...hope all goes well, Leigh Anne.

  7. I'm sorry for whatever you're going through, Leigh Anne. I'm glad you took the time to write, and I'm sure you know we're all here, hoping things get better for you.

  8. Leigh Anne, your slice packs an emotional wallop and it's intensified by the simplicity of the format. I'm sorry for whatever you are going through with your family and hope that things take a turn for the better. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Leigh Anne, your slice packs an emotional wallop and it's intensified by the simplicity of the format. I'm sorry for whatever you are going through with your family and hope that things take a turn for the better. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yes, the many various twists and turns of life ... yours or your children, but especially when it's your children, it's more difficult. To muster the right words, to hold back tears, to continually let them know you believe in them. There will be better days ... and some of these other days too. Hang in there. These turns do make us stronger.

  11. Praying...

    that through hard turns we become stronger.

    Amen!! At times I have had to believe that tears bring with them healing. We will walk together! You are not alone!

  12. Life has its challenges Leigh Anne but families that remain strong seem to find their way.

  13. Leigh Anne,
    I hope things are getting better. I saw your Twitter message but had a hard time offering any kind of real advice. All I have is prayers and support. Your strength will see you through.
