
Sunday, January 14, 2018

The First Step

I am so thankful for Ruth Ayres, who extends an invitation to share the celebrations from our week.  Why don't you join us?

I have yet to write about my one little word. There are many reasons why, but the one I am about to write is the biggest.

September 1st I started working on my Master's degree.

September 2nd I was in tears, wondering what in the world was I thinking.

I became a teacher at the age of 43 and was a non-traditional student in a distance program (now called on on-line program!).  I was a stay-at-home mom at the time, and I worked hard to finish that degree.

But this is so different.  I am now almost 54 and working full-time.  Going back to school at this time in my life creates a whole new set of challenges.  The most significant one is time.

I found myself not reading or writing because the guilt would set in.  I felt guilty knowing that  I should have been reading my textbook or writing papers.  I read two books the first semester, when I typically read about 25. But that is for another post.  I wrote a few blog posts, more out of obligation than for the pleasure of just writing.

I missed that part of my life.

Yesterday, I submitted my final assignment for my first semester.  And I finished six weeks early!

When I picked my one little word, I knew I had several journeys ahead of me this year.  This degree is just one of them.

Today, I celebrate taking that first step.


  1. from Brainy Quotes: "The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." Looks as if you have done this. Congrats on doing what you want to do, no matter the difficulty. That is a huge thing to celebrate, Leigh Anne. Hugs for this. FYI - I started my latest teaching when I was 45. Though I had already taught before, I then stayed home with the kids, and came back when they were older, to a new age in education it seemed.

  2. Awesome! I started my Masters after 12 years of teaching. I had children in elementary and middle school and figuring out my time was so hard. Congrats on stepping out.

  3. Good for you! I went back to school last year (also at the age of 54). I thought the timing was perfect. My kids were grown and out of school. Then our foster daughters arrived. It got tricky, but like you, I keep at it one step at a time. Good luck! You can do it.

  4. What a great word Leigh Anne! The old phrase, "You're never too old..." is so true. I think it is important to keep working on ourselves and our own learning, but it can be challenging with a job and family. Bit by bit my friend! You've got this!
