
Friday, March 2, 2018

How Silly of Me! #sol18

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we share a slice of life every single day in the month of March.

At the end of the school day, teachers stand in the hall, say good-bye to students, and talk about our day. Yesterday I was standing with the teacher from the room beside me, and we were waiting on her son to arrive from the elementary school.

As Landon runs down the hall to greet his mom with a kiss, he announces with the excitement of a six year old, "Mommy, if we get 100 leaves on our tree, we get donuts!"

His mom, wanting to know more about this tree, asks, "Well, how do you get the leaves on the tree?"

I quietly say with much just a little sarcasm, "It's probably for stupid AR points."

Landon looks at me a little puzzled and explains how any first grader would, " glue 'em."

How silly of me!


  1. Thanks for the early morning chuckle. Leave it to first graders to be completely literal.

  2. I love first graders. They are my favorite. They always think about things in a way that I don't. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Haha! "You just glue 'em." Hahaha! This calls for a "Duh!" Thank you for the laugh!!

  4. Too funny! But also too sad if it truly is for the AR. Love those first graders!

  5. This story made me smile today! I love first grade logic too!

  6. Oh that is so funny! Love the "duh!" sound in his voice.

  7. Gotta love first graders. Two of my grandsons are in first grade and this sounded so much like them. I could even see the expression on his face.

  8. Ha! This was too funny! (However, I'm still curious how they "earn" the leaves to glue...) These kiddos must think they are way smarter than us! Thanks for the laugh!

  9. Of course you glue them. So obvious. It’s fun to get one’s thoughts corrected by a first grader.

  10. Leave it to a 6 year-old to set the record straight! That's the world I'm living in! Rarely do I have a day when someone doesn't make me chuckle :)
