Friday, March 30, 2018

Reading On a Day Off #sol18

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we share a slice of life every single day in the month of March.

I just returned from Walmart where I was shopping in preparation for family Easter dinners.  As I was weaving between carts and customers and employees stocking shelves, and screaming kids, I saw the mother of one of my students.

I stopped to say hello, and in our conversation, she asked me, "So did you threatened them?"

I looked at her cautiously, thinking what did her son go home and tell her.  I was relieved when she told me he was up before her today (we are out of school for Good Friday) and he was reading - something he typically doesn't do.  Did I mention we are out of school today?

Inside I was doing a happy dance!  I started book clubs yesterday, and he was home reading his book club selection...on a day off!  This is why book clubs are an important part of my classroom. Student's don't need threats or prizes or points or pizza or competitions or consequences to motivate them to read.

They just need a great book, time to read, and someone to share it with.


  1. Yay for reading without any threats!!!

  2. May the number of teachers, students, parents and administrators who believe that last sentence increase! Think how different school could be!

  3. Kudos to you for spreading the joy of reading!

  4. This post makes me so happy, Leigh Anne. I so remember when I finally got into a reading groove and learned which books worked for me. There was no turning back! I just listened to the latest Heinemann Podcast with Clare and Tammy, "It's all about the books." You might find it interesting!

  5. Love, love, love your last sentence. Hurray for book clubs and Mike Lupica. And kudos to the parent who shared the story. Teachers deserve more stories like this in the grocery store!

  6. Books are the best! How fun to hear about young people enjoying them too.

  7. What a great surprise at Walmart! I was wondering where this slice was going and was pleasantly surprised! :)
