Friday, March 13, 2020

An Expected Announcement #SOL20

The school day began by telling my students that they needed to take an extra book home with them for spring break...just in case we end up not returning after break.

The middle of the day began by finding out that administration was called to a meeting with the superintendent and the school board.

The day ended with the announcement we were expecting.

No school until April 6th.

Please join Two Writing Teachers and the annual Slice of Life March Challenge.


  1. We are all in this together now. Together in isolation. Surreal times! Hope you and yours stay healthy!

  2. Beginning, middle, end... Except the end, in its way, is kind of a beginning, just of something unknown. Hang in there.

  3. Crazy right? Good luck and hope you stay healthy!

  4. Get some books, crafts, and stay safe. Summer school all around this year!

  5. My state made the same call. It's all so unsettling. Stay healthy!

  6. We got a message today that on Monday the school will be open to come pick up any personal items between 7-1. After that, our badges that open the door will be disabled.

  7. Thanks for updating us on the what s happening in schools where you are, Leigh Anne.April 6th is the longest stretch that I have heard of until now. Good luck with the online lessons.

  8. We got the notification today, but we are already on Spring Break. Not sure what's happening from here.

  9. Love the structure of this slice. Beginning, middle, end. And now we have to figure out the rest of the story.

  10. Sounds like my day. We are closed through April 14.
