Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Ode to My Heather-Grey Sweatshirt #SOL20

This past fall I attended NCTE in Baltimore. My roommate, Michelle Haseltine, bought a set of Rememory cards by The Storymatic.

"Rememory is a time machine, a writing prompt, a teaching tool, and a game--all in one little box. Draw one card from each of the three decks...and remember."
The slate set of cards decides whose life you are thinking about, and the coffee-colored cards tell the season of life. Both of these lead the writer to the door of memory, and the ruby cards open that door.
I have not used these cards yet and decided tonight would be the night because nothing else has come up as a slice. My cards were:

Whose life:  mine
Season of life:  night
Door of memory:  favorite article of clothing

I promise this is clean!

Ode to My Heather-Grey Sweatshirt

Oh, heather-gray sweatshirt, I see you folded at the end of the bed
discarded from the few hours I wore you yesterday 
after I got home from school.
The worn-out softness comforts my soul
after a long day with hormonal pre-teenagers.
I have held you in high regard for so many years
that you have become my after-school clothing of choice.
At the end of each day, I can't wait for our nighttime rendezvous to begin
My love for you oh, heather-grey sweatshirt, will go on forever
Or at least until you wear out, 
and I have to replace you.
Please join Two Writing Teachers and the annual Slice of Life March Challenge.


  1. Oh my gosh! This is fabulous. I'm laughing out loud. I can picture you coming home after battling with hormonal preteens and wanting something soft and comfy to wear. I can totally relate; I have a favorite after school sweatshirt too.

  2. Love this. Mostly because you seem to be me when you get home!

  3. I. Love. This. So great! I think Myra Cohn Livingston calls this utilizing the voice of apostrophe- addressing something that cannot answer. Wonderful poem! I wonder if I met you in Baltimore??

  4. So fun! I have favorite PJs that could be the subject of a slice. Favorite line: " The worn-out softness comforts my soul."
