Sunday, March 27, 2022

Spring is in the Air #SOSMagic


I am not a lover of spring. 

I don't like the unpredictable weather. I don't like the time change. And I don't like my pale skin and pastel colors typically associated with spring.

But I do love the scents of spring. I made a list in my notebook of the scents I associate with spring and this poem is a result.

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air
as an April shower
passes through
leaving everything
clean and fresh.

Spring is in the air
as the farmers 
till the sleepy soil and
awaken the
underground life
from its winter's rest.

Spring is in the air
as the lilacs
open and the 
peonies welcome
their tiny houseguests.

Spring is in the air
as the first blades of grass
are meticulously cut
and wild onions
grow with exuberance.

Spring is in the air
as overnight
the world dresses
in its deep, verdant green.

Spring is in the air.
Feel it.
Breathe it.
Become intoxicated
by the scented gifts it brings.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic


  1. I love the beautiful imagery in this poem, and the way you have found to celebrate something you don't typically like! I'm ready for this "false spring" or "second winter" or whatever it is to move along, so I can embrace these scents of spring.

  2. Spring is in the air makes an effective echo throughout this poem. I love spring. That's because I hate summer, as a season; I do love having a slower pace.

  3. Like you, spring is my least favorite. Memories I think.

    BUT I love your poem and how it captured the wonderful things about spring.

    You are a great writer!
