Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Getting My Groove Back 5/31

Image by Pixaby

I sit this morning in my classroom with the dim light of my computer glowing in the darkness. It's quiet, as it always is being the first person to arrive in my wing. I like it this way. It gives me time to think about my day and to spend a few minutes with myself and to listen to uplifting music.

I have yet to find that rhythm and routine of slicing this year. I typically have a slice ready the day before, and I spend this morning time at school reading and commenting.

But that hasn't happened...yet.

Maybe it's because March started on a Friday. Maybe it's the sinus infection or the looming yearbook deadline. Or maybe it is the added stress of taking care of my elderly mother or helping my daughter move out of our nest.

Life is complex, but so full of stories. I am hoping this is the start of getting my groove back and sharing those stories waiting to be told. 

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. There are lots of stories. You are a storyteller. You’ll get back in the groove.🙂

  2. Life in transition seems to be "complex" as you so honestly put. Be gracious with yourself allowing ample patience to "get back in the groove." Or, perhaps your groove looks a bit different this time around.

  3. I certainly can share your angst! I decided that I would not crate a list of writing ideas this year and instead just go day to day trying to notice the small moments that I normally overlook. It means I am posting later than in past years most days, but seems to be working! Be kind to yourself. You have a lot on your plate!

  4. A story about struggling to find stories. I like it. My struggle isn’t inspiration but being in two writing challenges at once and keeping up w/ commenting and tech support, which is beginning to taper off. Yesterday I had the kind of good problem in this challenge we all want. That won’t happen every day.

  5. I am right with you. Yesterday, for the first time in nine years, I didn't post. Life is complex and sometimes you need to give yourself grace. This is definitely one of these times.

  6. Yes! Getting into the rhythm of daily writing this year seems a bit more difficult. But, it is only Day 5, so hopefully things will get better. arjeha

  7. See, for the readers it doesn't matter whether you drafted in the evening or wrote on the spot in the morning or wrote last minute in the evening - we are glad that you are here. What you wrote today is a slice of life. Here and now. I hope that you get your groove because it matters to you. During the past thirteen years of writing I have never been able to keep a schedule or rhythm, and I have encountered days when I have had no clue what to write. i am sure days like this will come this year too. I am hoping you will share your party invitation, so at least on one day I'd know what to write. :)

  8. Leigh Ann, you will get your mojo back! Until then I still love your random musings.

  9. Me, too, Leigh Ann. Waiting to get into my groove, too. Not sure what the reason is. If you figure it out, let me know!

  10. I am always the first one in my hallway in the morning. I love the quiet time in my classroom and hallway. I am struggling, too. It helps to know I am not alone.
