
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I Have a Secret

I have a secret.

I know something I'm not supposed to know.

I hate knowing.

We have a secret pal activity for teachers at my school.  We start in the fall and leave a gift each month until May.  We all try to guess who each other has, and then we have a big reveal party at the end of the school year.

Buying the gifts is so much fun.  My secret pal loves the color pink, so this month I got her some OPI nail polish in pink and a file that says "Girls just want to have fun!"  I gave it to her on Valentines Day with a card that says "Hope your day is tickled pink!"

But that's not the secret.

This morning I arrived a little before my usual time.  We have sensors in our rooms, and when there is no movement, the lights go off.  Yes, I was sitting at my desk in the dark.  I had my 70's rock music quietly playing on my Pandora station.

And I see something sneaking in the hallway.

It's a gift bag with green and pink tissue paper at the end of an arm.  The arm of my secret pal.

I have a secret.

I know something I'm not supposed to know.

I hate knowing.


  1. Oops! Sorry. It is hard to believe that a secret pal can be kept secret for so long- it was bound to happen before the reveal. Does she know yet that you know?

  2. Oh no! I hate it when that cannot unsee....

  3. That is a hard secret to keep, especially when you see that person every day!

  4. Nooooo! There's nothing I dislike more than stumbling upon a surprise. I love a good surprise. What a bummer. And now you have to pretend until May that you don't know!

  5. I love how you crafted this piece -- its circular form, its blend of poetic lines and prose paragraphs. I love the quick turn in the middle that moves from the secret pal to whom you are giving (But that's not the secret.) to the secret pal from whom you are receiving.

  6. We used to do Secret Santa from Thanksgiving to Christmas vacation. It was hard for just those few weeks to stay secret. Don't know how I would have fared with it going on for the entire school year.

  7. Isn't it strange how the perspective can be different? You wish you hadn't discovered your secret pal. Some hate the not knowing. The whole concept of year long secret pals is new to me. I hope you still can enjoy the presents and the big reveal party.

  8. I think it is a great idea to have a secret pal in the winter months. It gives a reason to find joy fussing for that special person. Your secret pal is a lucky lady. I love OPI nail polish and pink is the just right color to brighten any gray days. I wonder what is in your bag???

  9. Oh no! Don’t you wish you could turn back the clock? Or close your eyes when he/she arrived? Take heart in knowing you’ll still have some surprise left with not knowing what or when the surprise elf will leave a gift!

  10. I love the way you wrote this. That ending is just perfect. Those timer lights are quite the nuisance when you are working and they go off and no one knows you are there. So sorry you have a secret.

  11. I like the circular structure with the repeated lines. How fun to have a secret pal. I think it'd be more fun to be the secret pal.

  12. Oooh, that's a tough one. If she reads your blog, perhaps you can share this with her. Maybe?

  13. I think it's great that you do secret pals in your building. So fun...but like Stacey said, that is tough. Do you think she knows you know?

  14. What a sweet tradition in your school!

  15. That is a fun community building activity- I guess you didn't like peeking at your Christmas gifts like I did.
