Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this space for me to share my corner of the world.
It's Monday night and my vacation/snow make-up day is winding down. My plan for Tuesday was to start our last round of book clubs. Groups are made and book choices are decided for each class period. I was ready to go...that was until I received an email announcement from our state Department of Education.

His mission is: to share some of the books I've enjoyed, and to build a continually-growing community of readers of all levels by engaging through social media.
Isn't this what we all want for our students?
When I received the announcement that he was doing this book club, I put my plans on hold. I knew this was something I wanted to offer my students. The best part of this is that I already have 50+ copies of the book he has chosen - Maniac Magee.
Last week I wrote about our social studies teacher creating The Crossover Club. I now have students begging to read that book. In order for a reading community to happen, we need others besides ELA teachers to join forces through sharing books and their reading lives with students. Just like what Andrew Luck is doing.
Creating a reading community is not a one-person job. It not just a reading teacher's job.
It is everyone's.
I look forward to sharing this announcement with my students, sharing their thoughts on social media, and letting them know that even NFL players are readers.
Thank you, Andrew, for sharing your love of reading with all of us.
Please click on the link below to get more information on how you can join this reading movement. Then share on social media using the hashtag #ALBookClub. Let's create a reading revolution.