Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this space for me to share my corner of the world.
I love fall. I love every single thing about it.
The sweater weather,
the pumpkin spice,
the sound of crunching leaves,
the first fire,
the color palette.
But there is one thing that doesn't love me - mums. Have you ever tried to grow mums? For me, it is not easy. Yes, I have them sitting in pots on my porch, and many times I have tried to plant them in the ground in hopes that I could enjoy them the following year. But in most of my efforts, I have not been successful.
When I was pregnant with my son 20 years ago, my mother-in-law bought my daughter, Megan, a flower. It was a mum, a "Megan" mum. (Yes! That really is its name!)
Knowing my luck with planting mums, I decided to plant it NOT in the landscape by the house, but down in a place that we call the point, just in case it didn't make it. I have wild Black-eyed Susan's and monkey grass planted there. It is an intentional place that doesn't need much maintenance.
Well, that little Megan mum has come back year after year after year...
for 20 years.