Saturday, January 30, 2021

My #MustReadin2021 List


Back in 2014, I joined Carrie Gelson at There's a Book for That who started a little community of readers with a common goal - to tackle our to-be-read stacks. This year I have agreed to co-host this small community. It is one day before the end of the month, and I am just now finalizing my list and writing this post.

I have boxes of books that I have not yet read but want to. I opened each one and pulled out twelve titles to use for this year-long challenge. I am following Michele Knott's lead and will try one each month. Sounds easy enough, huh?

Here is my #MustReadin2021 challenge titles.

The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
Cod Word Courage by Kirby Larson
We Had to Be Brave by Deborah Hapkinson

Unbound by Ann E. Burg
Takedown by Laura Shovan
Wild Bird by Wendelin Van Draanen

The Season of Styz Malone by Kekia Magoon
Poisoned by Jennifer Donnelly
Pride by Ibi Zoboi

The Usung Hero of Birdsong USA by Brenda Woods
Team Players by Mike Lupica
Captured by Alvin Townley

Our town has a Triathlon each spring, and there is always one person they choose to be "last to try." This way no one comes in last. I'll consider this to be the last to post so no one will feel like they are too late to participate.

If you would like to read more about #MustReadin2021 or see the great book choices of other members of this community, then check out this blog post. We would love to have you join us no matter what the time of year.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Snow Day #SOSMagic

Wednesday the weather app showed an advisory for our county. Snow coming early afternoon. Hopes of an early release filled the hallways like an all-morning passing period. We had been disappointed two other times recently, so we were almost afraid to talk about it for fear it would never come to be.

Around noon, the snow began to fall, quickly covering the fields outside our classroom windows. Kids were too excited to focus on the lesson I had prepared, and talks began about having a snow day the next day. I told them how I didn't want a snow day but would rather have a Friday in May when it was warm outside. They, of course, thought I was crazy.

The news came that the busses were on stand-by followed an hour later by the announcement that we were dismissing early. By 8:00 that night, the superintendent had announced a two-hour delay the next day, BUT they would reevaluate in the morning. 

Today, I woke at my normal time, turned on my phone, and waited for the call I was sure would come. Yes, we had a snow day. As much as I said I didn't want a snow day, I have to say, I welcomed pulling up the covers and rolling over for a few extra minutes of sleep.

My daughter Megan posted on her classroom page a request for snow day pictures. We live on one of the few hills in our town, and many kids come to sled when we have snow. Megan shared with me who all was on the hill and showed me pictures of students sledding and snowboarding and building snowmen and having snowball fights.

And the guilt set in.

I remembered all the snow days when my son would get up at sunrise, pack his bag, and set out for the hill. He would spend the entire day outside, coming home only to get dry socks and gloves and food. He loved the snow, and we have so many memories of these days.

I am sure many of my students spent the day outside just like my son did all those years. Telling them I didn't want a snow day was a little selfish. 

Yes, today we had a snow day. And I am glad we did.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

Friday, January 1, 2021

#MustReadin2021 Round-Up

Back in 2014, I joined Carrie Gelson at There's a Book for That who started a little community of readers with a common goal - to tackle our to-be-read stacks. This community continued to grow, and Carrie continued to round up our lists and blog posts until 2019. Although some have continued to create their own #MustRead lists, the community has not had an "official" round-up. 

I don't know about you, but I know my reading life took a dive last year with the pandemic. Because of this and with the start of a new year, I was looking for a way to reignite my reading life. I found that I missed the #MustRead community. So I decided to team up with Cheriee Weichel at Library Matters, and co-host #MustReadin2021. 

For those of you new to the community, this challenge means you take a look at the books you wanted to read in 2020, but for whatever reason, did not get to them.  You then make your own personal list of books you want to commit to reading in 2021. 

There is no set number of books and books can be published from any year, in any genre or format, and in any category. These books will not be the only ones you read this year but will be the ones included in your personal challenge.

I will round up the initial posts here on my blog, and Cheriee will host the update posts on hers at the end of April, August, and December. Update posts are optional.

If you would like to create and share a list, click on the link-up below to add your blog post. Feel free to use the graphic above to include in your post, too. Be sure and check back regularly to see the reading plans everyone has made. If you would like to look back at posts from previous years, then check out Carrie's curated posts here. I look forward to co-hosting with Cheriee and continuing to build the community Carrie began.

We can't wait to see what is on your #MustReadin2021 list!