Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back-to-School Insomnia

Does anyone else suffer from back-to-school insomnia?  The time has come where I lay in bed, and I just can't turn my brain off.  Constant thoughts of school and what still needs to be done and ideas to try  and the numbers of students I have and...

Now that I am trying to live this "writerly life," I thought I could turn this into a poem.  Several of these lines came to me while waiting for sleep to come.  Eight more days....of summer and sleepless nights.

I see you there
glowing in the dark
laughing as my mind races
with no shut-off valve
thoughts turning
lists growing

book boxes to fill
lesson plans to make
36 name-tags to write
not enough desks
or chairs
or space
data folders to assemble
did I mention 36

it makes me tired 
to even think about it
as I watch your time move on
wishing sleep would come

I hope these next fews days or weeks or whatever you have left, are filled with summer fun and hopefully sleep!


  1. Yikes! 36? At one time? I'd have insomnia too. :) These last few weeks before school starts are always filled with anxiety and excitement. I went into my room for the first time today. Hard to believe the beginning of school is almost here. Good luck!!

    1. Yes that would be 36 4th grade bodies all in one classroom. I don't know what I am going to do.

  2. I suffer from this insomnia too. I remember that my own children often had a hard time sleeping before the first day of school. Helps me remember that all of us are doing hard things as we embark on the new school year.
