Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Halfway Point for Must Read in 2014

Back in January I came across a tweet from Carrie Gelson at There's a Book for That.  A group of readers was making a list of books that must be read in 2014 - because they were not read in 2103.  My list of must read books can be found here.

Here it is July and I am at the halfway point of my Must Read in 2014 list.  During this second quarter of the year, I read 6 books bringing me up to 14 out of the 28 books on my list.  I guess you could say I am right on track!

It would be hard to pick a favorite out of these eight, but all of them are amazing choices for middle grade students.  In the captions, I have written why I enjoyed these books.

Loved this fantasy, which is a genre I typically
do not enjoy.
Loved this book for its appeal to boys.  

Loved this book because of the way
Valerie Hobbs "wrapped it all up" in the end.
This book reminds me Wonder and
Out of My Mind - how can I NOT like it!

Loved the tangle of story lines
and how Lisa Graff pulled everything together.
The cake recipes are a bonus!
Loved the format of writing the story through
journal entires and the relationship
between Ratchet and her dad.

Happy Reading!


  1. Great titles here :-) Beholding Bee and Rump are favourites of mine and I love Kirby Larson so am excited to read this title soon! thanks for sharing your update!

  2. Rachet is one of my favorites! I'm glad to see it on your list! I'll add Beholding Bee. That's a new title for me. :)

  3. So many great books to check out!
