Each week Ruth Ayres extends an invitation to share the celebrations from our week. I began 2017 celebrating those people who have inspired my writing life. One of my beliefs for this year was that we RISE when we lift others. My goal was to lift a person each month. Sadly, this didn't happen, but you can read my other tribute posts here:
A Writing Gift - A Tribute to Fran
Found Poetry - A Tribute to Terje
The Beginning - A Tribute to Katherine
Cherishment - A Tribute to Margaret
A Writing Gift - A Tribute to Fran
Found Poetry - A Tribute to Terje
The Beginning - A Tribute to Katherine
Cherishment - A Tribute to Margaret
Today I celebrate my friend, Ruth Ayres.

What I remember most about that time was how welcoming and down-to-earth Ruth was. She included me in conversations, in time by the pool, and in lots of laughter. I quickly learned, that is just Ruth.
In time, I realized that Ruth began influencing my life beyond my blog, and I began a far-away friendship with her.
As the school year started, I would come from conferences with students from hard places. My heart would ache for them and the life they were living. I remember saying to my team, "Every child from a hard place needs a Ruth."
During my daughter's first year of teaching, I didn't think she was going to make it through the first few months. I sent a message to Ruth asking for help, and she began praying for Megan. That is when I told myself, "Everyone needs a Ruth."
If you are here celebrating today, then I know I am not alone in my admiration for Ruth and the gratefulness for the impact her words have on us. To celebrate, I have written a found poem from comments from her fellow bloggers and friends.
Your words,
filled with passion,
connect many
shine brightly
and give us hope.
and give us hope.
Your love,
permeates everything you do
and spreads to everyone
who knows you.
reach out to others
and lean into love.
bring joy and inspiration
make our world beautiful
and make us smile.
are a gift.
Thank you
for nudging,
for sharing,
for writing,
and for being a light
in the darkness.
Deeply grateful for your words
and to have your voice
in our ears
in our hearts,
For, we would have never written a word to share
and to have your voice
in our ears
in our hearts,
For, we would have never written a word to share
if it weren't for you.
©Leigh Anne Eck, 2017
©Leigh Anne Eck, 2017
Thank you for just being Ruth.