Friday, January 1, 2021

#MustReadin2021 Round-Up

Back in 2014, I joined Carrie Gelson at There's a Book for That who started a little community of readers with a common goal - to tackle our to-be-read stacks. This community continued to grow, and Carrie continued to round up our lists and blog posts until 2019. Although some have continued to create their own #MustRead lists, the community has not had an "official" round-up. 

I don't know about you, but I know my reading life took a dive last year with the pandemic. Because of this and with the start of a new year, I was looking for a way to reignite my reading life. I found that I missed the #MustRead community. So I decided to team up with Cheriee Weichel at Library Matters, and co-host #MustReadin2021. 

For those of you new to the community, this challenge means you take a look at the books you wanted to read in 2020, but for whatever reason, did not get to them.  You then make your own personal list of books you want to commit to reading in 2021. 

There is no set number of books and books can be published from any year, in any genre or format, and in any category. These books will not be the only ones you read this year but will be the ones included in your personal challenge.

I will round up the initial posts here on my blog, and Cheriee will host the update posts on hers at the end of April, August, and December. Update posts are optional.

If you would like to create and share a list, click on the link-up below to add your blog post. Feel free to use the graphic above to include in your post, too. Be sure and check back regularly to see the reading plans everyone has made. If you would like to look back at posts from previous years, then check out Carrie's curated posts here. I look forward to co-hosting with Cheriee and continuing to build the community Carrie began.

We can't wait to see what is on your #MustReadin2021 list!


  1. Thanks very much for hosting us, Leigh Anne & Cheriee! This is wonderful! I would have been earlier, but ended up working at the bookstore so could not finish! Here we go with a great year reading!

  2. Thanks for hosting! I'm so glad that we have the chance to do this again together. :)

  3. I love that this challenge encourages us to revisit our reading goals and connect with other book lovers.
