Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Remember and Embrace #SOSMagic

It's 10:30 Tuesday morning of the last week of school. It is my prep period, so I have no students and my 70s rock playing on my Pandora station.

Students are beginning the first phase of locker clean-out, and the sound of giggles and lockers shutting echoes their way down the hall and into my room. 

I smile and remember...

    ...the final writing in their notebooks,

    ...the end-of-the-year activities,

    ...the stolen moments of going outside,

    ...the surprising discovery of a missing book,

    ...the awards,

    ...the year-end video,

    ...the smiles and laughter,

    ...the anticipation of summer, 

    ...the hugs goodbye.

I remember what all we missed last May. I smile and open my arms and my heart to embrace these next three days.

I’m joining an open community of writers over at Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us. #sosmagic

1 comment:

  1. I just tweeted your last statement. #teachtothelastday
