Wednesday, January 25, 2023

January Writing Prompts

I participate in a monthly writing challenge with members of the Teach Write Academy. A word list is published before the new month begins to inspire and challenge us to write every day. These word prompts can take me to unexpected places and lead me to untouched memories. But they always inspire writing and help me to write from a place of joy.

The January 16th prompt was the words were "my dream." I used this prompt to write a golden shovel using Marin Luther King Jr.'s words from his "I have a dream" speech. This was my first time writing one and is definitely a form I want to try again.

Drafting a Dream

Looking back through my life’s pages, I
have scribbled memories; I have
words holding hope and a
chapter left unwritten, drafting a dream.

Today's prompt was "this morning," and I chose to write a haiku inspired by our first measureable snowfall of the year. 

this morning's daybreak
playing nature's melody
of snow-filled silence

February's list will be coming out next week. Look for the word list on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We would love to have you join us! Learn more about The Teach Write Academy.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

#MustReadIn2022 Year-End Recap


Tis the season to reflect, and this includes your #MustReadIn2022 challenge. 

I hope you had a wonderful year of reading (much better than mine!) and a year of finding new authors and reacquainting with beloved ones. Congratulations to those of you who made a dent, however small, in your To Be Read pile!

If you would like to add your post and celebrate your progress, please link up below.

Here's to more reading in 2023!