Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Listen, Just Listen

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating a place to share our Slice of Life.  Read more slices or add you own here.

Our state testing scores will soon be released to the public.  Yes, it has been almost eight months since we took the tests, and many school systems and districts are up in arms and voicing their concerns over the results.  Many are not happy; fingers are being pointed and blame is being spread.

Yesterday a conversation I had with a teacher put all of this in perspective for me.  

I know a teacher 
who has a troubled a student.

I bet you know one too.

This troubled student
has a story to tell.

They all have a story to tell.

We just need to take the time
to listen,
just listen.

this student was sick,
and somber;
she wasn't herself.

The teacher asked her
to eat lunch with her
in the classroom.

She did.
They shared their lunch
and watched a cartoon.
The student told her story.

The teacher listened,
just listened.

She told the teacher 
about her family.

I bet you have heard this story too.

"Dad has been in jail...
he drinks alcohol...
step-mom was arrested last night..."

...and the story went on.

And the teacher listened,
just listened.

The teacher asked,
"Why did you tell me all of this?"

The student replied,
"You're my teacher.
I trust you."

Test scores now seem so...insignificant.


  1. Heart-breaking, but wonderful to hear that the teacher creates that kind of trust. There are so many stories to hear. Thanks for reminding us, Leigh Anne.

  2. Just beautiful. We should all strive to be this kind of teacher.

  3. And then that child is tested and told they don't meet the standards. Real accurate measurement.

  4. This poem is so true. Students are more than a test score, so much more. I have this student. I've listened. Thanks for expressing this voice.

  5. I wish all students could trust their teachers like this. So many have such deep stories that need telling. may we all listen as this teacher did. Lovely post.

  6. Somehow I missed this post but am reading it now and thinking that listening is such an art and a great gift from teacher to student. You gave us insight into this gift through a poetic lens. Thanks.

  7. Somehow I missed this post but am reading it now and thinking that listening is such an art and a great gift from teacher to student. You gave us insight into this gift through a poetic lens. Thanks.
