Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Book that Features a Journey #MGBOOKMARCH

Not that I need another challenge in my life right now, but I am joining folks at MG Book Village on Twitter to share some middle-grade book love this month. Each day has a different prompt, and people share their favorite book that fits that prompt. Sounds easy enough! And what a great way to learn about new titles and add to my TBR list. Here is day one!

A book that features travel or a journey:

Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga

In this novel in verse, Jude and her mother leave their brother and father and their home in Syria to journey across the ocean to the United States. As Jude begins to adjust to the fast-paced life in America, she finds herself with a new identity - "Middle Eastern." She makes new friends, meets new family members, tries out for a part in the school musical, and finds out how lovely it is to be part of something bigger than herself.

I'm starting 
to think,
might be the
bravest thing
a person can do."

Other Words for Home is a beautiful journey about hope and love and courage.

What are your favorites books that have taken you on a journey? 


  1. I read this book recently and loved it. It helped me see America from a different perspective (not good, not bad, just different). I think this is a good read for middle grade students, high schoolers, and adults!

  2. Dan Gemeinhart books - The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise, The Honest Truth, Some Kind of Courage.
