Friday, March 6, 2020

I'm THAT Teacher #SOL20

"Oh, you're THAT teacher." Anyone ever heard that? Or maybe you have said, "Oh, she's THAT teacher."

In our #100DaysofNotebooking group, someone shared a page with this prompt. So, today I share what makes ME that teacher.

I'm THAT teacher...
  • who has piles (upon piles) on her desk.
  • who has too many tabs open on her computer.
  • who has a TBR pile that is uncontainable.
  • who has chocolate stashed in her desk.
  • who will stop and ask what are you reading.
  • who would rather buy books than clothes or shoes.
  • who won't share her favorite pens.
  • who will always give students a pencil when they don't have one.
  • who believes in the possible!
How are you THAT teacher?

Please join Two Writing Teachers and the annual Slice of Life March Challenge.


  1. Sounds like the perfect kind of teacher to me! Also, great slice format!!!

  2. This is a fun list. I’d add: Yes, I’m that teacher who will turn you into a lover of poetry; I’m that teacher who will make you laugh when you feel like crying; I’m that teacher who advertises her acceptance of LGBTQI students and speaks openly about choosing our pronoun rather than defaulting to the binary “she/he” options; I’m that teacher who lets students speak on topics controversial in our conservative community and expect everyone to listen respectfully. I could go on. This is fun, and it makes me feel better than I was feeling before reading the post. 😊

  3. This is a great list, Leigh Anne! I will have to think about this one and perhaps notebook about it!

  4. This is such a great list. Teachers are not one dimensional. We are so many things. I am that teacher who guides you into becoming the best you can be.

  5. I love this list. I will definitely be making one for myself. I can say that I am THAT teacher that hugs every Scholar and tells them I them before they leave for the day.

  6. I enjoyed this so much! I may have to write one of these lists too.

  7. Yep. I was/am that teacher. Even now, I carry extra pencils and pens for kids, I book talk whatever I'm reading, I share food I carry with kids who need it. And chocolate? That's a given!

  8. Thanks for being THAT teacher.

  9. I think I can say yes to all of these things!! And what a great thing to be THAT teacher. I'll have to try a list like this, too.

  10. "who would rather buy books than clothes or shoes" - so me. There were other things on the list too I was able to nod to. I have come to the conclusion that "never to be completed" is part of definition for TBR pile.
