Saturday, April 1, 2023

Solace & Connection {1}


Welcome to our first nature-inspired invitation to write and connect. I am thrilled you are here. Each week, I will post a round-up. You just need to write your blog post and link up at the bottom of my post. I will leave a little inspiration each week, but you are free to write about nature in any way you would like, prose, poetry, images, or anything else you would like to share. Please read and respond to other posts to help build the connections between us. 

This week's inspiration:  "Begin Where You Are"
Take a moment to go out, count to five, and watch what the world of nature is doing around you. List six or seven nature observations you see, hear, or feel. Note the time of day, month, date, season, and your location. Need an example of what this might look like? Take a look at Trina's example from the March Slice of Life Challenge.

Remember, you do not have to write about this prompt; you're just invited to write.


out like a lion
Mother Nature roared
leaving behind death and devastation
as the new day dawns
birds sing a song of sadness
but glasses stand at attention 
like soldiers

Tornadoes ravaged through the state of Indiana last night, leaving behind mass destruction in several cities and towns. One hit about 25 miles north of me. This is a screen shot from a WTWO news video. The reporter walked blocks and blocks showing scene after scene like this one. One thing she noticed through this window was how the glasses remained on the shelf, untouched.


  1. Leigh Anne, oh my ! That tornado damage is sobering. So much loss, but hopefully not loss of life. Those glasses on the shelf in all the debris surrounding them are truly mysteries. Here is my nature blog post for today:

  2. I have seen news from Arkansas today & missed Indiana, Leigh Anne. Tornadoes are something I don't miss from growing up in Missouri. I am sad for all this new destruction, as birds "birds sing a song of sadness". It makes me wonder what they do think? Do they move on?

  3. Leigh Anne, your observations of the horrific devastation in your home state are woven together in a realistic yet sensitive manner. The simile at the end is powerful. The title of your project is beautiful. I plan on writing poetry for my own gallery of artistic expressions, titled Springsations, but I will add a couple of poems to your collection and read other slicers' posts.

  4. Leigh Anne, wow, that tornado picture where some glasses remain on the shelves. The first line "out like a lion" is so powerful. Where is that promised lamb? The birds singing sadly. Wow. Thank you for sharing and hosting here. I am late, but I think I'll add my nature post based on your prompt.

    1. Thanks, Leigh Anne and others who may have tried to open my link. I’ve had that problem happen when using InLinkz in the past. I’ve asked both Edublogs and InLinkz about it, and I can’t remember who gave me the solution. The person trying to use the link just needs to press them the X in the upper right hand corner, and my post will be right behind it. 🙂 Thank you!
