Saturday, April 15, 2023

Solace & Connection {3}


Welcome to this week's nature-inspired invitation to write and connect. Each week, I will post a round-up, and you just need to write your blog post and link up at the bottom of my post. I leave a little inspiration each week, but you are free to write about nature:  prose, poetry, images, or anything else you would like to share. 

This week's inspiration: Margaret Simon posted her "This photo wants to be a poem" post, which was a picture of a patch of wildflowers along the roadside in Louisiana. I started thinking about seeds and how they could be a metaphor for continuation of life. This week, look outside for how life is continuing in this season of birth and rebirth. What are you noticing?


I have a section of pink evening primroses in our landscape. If I am not careful, they can quickly take over this space, but I absolutely love this wildflower.

native wildflower
from wayward, wind-caught seedlings
primrose tsunami

Please share your link below and read and comment on other posts to enjoy the solace and build the connection.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pink tsunami! That is also a favorite early bloomer!
