Saturday, April 8, 2023

Solace & Connection {2)


Welcome to this week's nature-inspired invitation to write and connect.  Each week, I will post a round-up, and you just need to write your blog post and link up at the blue box at the bottom of my post. Feel free to use image on your post to let people know about the community.

Please read and respond to at least one or two posts to help build the connections between us. 


This week's inspiration is from Sarah Krajewski who shared an interview with Clint Smith. He states, "Poetry is the act of paying attention." I took a moment to pay attention to and notice the signs of spring I saw just from sitting on my porch swing. 

I turned my noticings into a list poem. Simple, yet captures my moment.

A spring day brings
clear blue skies calling my eyes to gaze upward
birds chirping their sweet songs
dandelions calling the bees
forsythia hanging on to its final blooms
hastas unfurling towards the sun
magnolia blooms bursting to say hello
robins plucking blades of grass to build their nests
open windows welcoming the warmness
a single tulip bud holding tight
a kaleidoscope of color.

Watch the Clint Smith interview here:


  1. I enjoyed that interview and the writer’s poetry reading. Your list poem has so many images of Spring, it really is a kaleidoscope.
    (I tried to link my writing about Three Moments with Nature, but there is a problem with my InLinkz
    and it reposted last week’s instead. I submitted a support request… but in the meantime, maybe there is something you can do to fix it.)

  2. Thanks for pointing me to that interview! I'm reading his new collection right now; it's so good. Your list poem immerses the reader in so many signs of spring.
