Thursday, March 10, 2016

Currently I'm...

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this space for me to share my corner of the world.

Tonight I played around a little with Picmonkey.  This didn't turn out the way I wanted, but my computer was being contrary and I just wanted to get it done.  So here is an old standby...


  1. Currently...
    I'm reading Pax too,
    I'm hoping you'll blog about your bullet journal. They pique my curiosity.

  2. Thanks for the book idea! I haven't heard of that one and will be looking into it.

  3. You know that I love PicMonkey, Leigh Anne. I really like how you created your Current list with the app. I tried Walaxy yesterday after seeing a picture with it on Stacey's blog. Then, I moved the finished pic into PicMonkey collage to add my poem.

  4. I will need to check out PicMonkey. I've used Vanilla Pen, but it's been a while since I played with it. I hope you have tissues nearby, that's the warning I've heard on Pax.

  5. Love this!!! I'm reading Pax too. Loving it!

  6. Two more days until break? I'm so jealous! Two weeks for me. :)

  7. I love using PicMonkey! However lately I've realized I've had some problems with it on my computer. I'd love to know more about your bullet journal... I googled one today and did a little searching on pinterest, but I have to admit, I was lost!

  8. OK, I have to know...what's a bulletin journal?

    My blog site is

  9. Enjoy your break! Today is our last day. Thanks for sharing PicMonkey with us. I keep a list of tools to try when I'm looking for something new! Thanks for sharing your reading with us. I haven't heard of Pax, so I'll be checking that out. If you and Michelle are reading it, it has to be good!
