Saturday, March 26, 2016

Right Now - Celebrate #6

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this space for me to share my corner of the world.

I am also celebrating with Ruth Ayres today.

This week my one little word - intent - has been nonexistent.  It has been one of those weeks where stress was at an all time high, schedules were not normal, and writing slices and commenting took a backseat to a research paper.  (I know you are tired of hearing me talk about that, but you just can't imagine what it has been like.)

Today, the first slice I read was Terje's at Just for a Month.  I have already done a "Currently..." slice, but for today, reading her slice was just what I needed.  "Right now" is all I have, and it is enough.

Right now I am

~ loving the quiet moments of the present.

thankful for the time I will be spending with family celebrating Easter the next two days.

~ accepting the fact that writing takes time and even a small amount of writing is better than not writing at all.

~ hoping that my new slicers will forgive me for missing a day..or two...of reading their words.  They do matter to me, but sometimes life just gets in the way.

~ understanding that sometimes when we help our own children, we learn lessons in the process.

~ forgiving myself for not being perfect.

worrying less about next week's plans because I have the best teaching partner anyone could ever ask for.

~celebrating this small moment of gratitude.

Have a great Easter weekend, and may you find many celebrations along the way!


  1. Great slice! I will have to borrow it as well. Keep celebrating, and worrying less!

  2. I love that you took time to share, Leigh Anne, and always enjoy hearing what's happening in your life. Happy Easter to you and the family, and enjoy every relaxing moment!

  3. Nice! I love the lead lines of loving, thankful, accepting ... A good thing to use when writing at any time but it seems have have been perfect for you today! I hope there is a bit of time for you to relax this holiday weekend.

  4. I love your slice. I love the style of it. I love this: "-celebrating the small moment of gratitude." I love it.

  5. It is tough in a normal week to slice and respond every day, it's a great challenge but sometimes the "extras" in life take precedence. I'm glad you found a way to post in such a peaceful, healing way! Good luck and enjoy the calm.

  6. "Right now" provided a glimpse into the moment you are in. Yes, a small amount of writing is better than no writing. I will tuck this format in my back pocket for a time when I want to maintain my writing routine, and have little time for it. Thanks for sharing your inspiration for writing!

  7. Wonderful slice. That forgiveness of self is huge. Be gentle with yourself. :)

  8. Right now you are living a full life! Enjoy the celebrations Easter brings!

  9. This post is important! I'm glad you wrote this today. It's a good reminder for me. :) Happy Easter!

  10. Leigh Anne, I know just how you are feeling ... and I love that you have grace -- grace for yourself when we can't do it all and we must forgive ourselves and accept only what we can do in the time we are given in a day. I take a lot of deep breaths too! Hang in there! Enjoy the Easter celebrations with family. He is risen! It's a glorious day.

  11. I think this was a wonderful slice...I will definitely need to borrow this format! Allow yourself forgiveness & enjoy your family time this Easter!

  12. I agree with Michelle's comment...I love the grace that's obvious in this post! Hoping this week is so much better!!! Happy Easter to you, my friend!

  13. Wishing you a less frantic week and time to reflect on all the goodness you bring to others.

  14. -even a small amount of writing is better than not writing at all- I agree with you. That's why simple structures, lists and poetry help to capture the slices of our lives. I hope you had a very pleasant weekend.

  15. Leigh Anne, while in the midst of frustrations, I think your one word was with you. You were intent on the completion of a research task and reflecting on the impact it had on your life. Sometimes, what we desire is not in line with what the course of action needs to be. Enjoy your holiday.
