Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Reunited with Slicing #SOL18

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this space for me to share my corner of the world.

Scrolling through my blog posts and searching for my last Slice of Life, I landed on June 27th.  I cannot believe it has been that long.  

At #TeachWrite Chat Blog, we have been talking about writing goals this year.  If you have never seen our blog, I encourage you to check it out.  I do not have goals, but more of what I would call position statements.  My goals are not measurable, but just a "position" that I want to take when it comes to writing this year.

One of them is to write more slices.  Slicing is the roots of my current writing life. Slicing brought my writing life out of its dormancy, and it nourished it in its early stages. It's where I met the people who have supported my writing life for almost five years. In many ways, slicing has also sustained my writing life.

One of the best parts of the slicing community...and there are many...is that they always welcome you back.

It is where I hope to be reunited today.


  1. So glad you are back! I started slicing during the March Slice of Life challenge in 2016 and have been fairly regular since then. I have learned so much about writing and the process due to my commitment to being a writer - and this community has certainly kept me going! This community has been so life giving to me and my attempts at living a writerly life!

  2. Glad you're back to writing. This community of writers is so supportive and caring. Looking forward to reading more slices from you this year.

  3. This seems to be the year of taking some time away from the routine of Tuesday slices. Glad you are coming back to Tuesdays.

  4. I've taken some time coming back, too, Leigh Anne. Welcome back. I have seen you other places of course, and that is a good thing!

  5. Your words matter no matter the place, but slicing does feel like home, right? This is where my writing roots began. I took a break as well once the school year is in full swing and then the holidays arrived! I'm trying to get back into the weekly groove to be ready for March! :) I'm glad you wrote today.

  6. I also found that when I stepped away, time just passed....and there are not as many memories,.....so I am trying to come back. The more I write the easier it gets to find slices. I think it is true for all of us.

  7. Welcome back! Me too! More writing in 2018!

  8. Leigh Annie, I enjoy reading your posts...slices, celebrations, poetry and more.

  9. I guess since I've been in touch with you through TeachWrite, I didn't realize you had been away from Slicing. I love how the SOL community is so open and generous. We can hop in and out with no fears.
