Sunday, March 24, 2019

Story Equation #SOL19

I am participating in the Two Writing Teachers Annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge.  


  1. An empty nest can be lonely, but can be filled with so many possibilities.

  2. Parenting well done+Empty nest= Still full life

  3. Your kids have big decisions and choices ahead of them. The equation shows how much you miss them. Then again, think about the amount of your time that has increased in the equation.

  4. I have been thinking recently how we should be mixing media as we write. Great job here! I love the sense of equation, that balances out to your reality.

  5. Ah, a equation poem! Our three left the nest together, the same day! In the first week, afternoon I sat on the top step to the bedroom level and had myself a good long cry, then I got up and embraced my new season. In time, one by one they each came back. Two have built their nests so that our backyards run together. For a while the third one joined them... but makes his home now in Ecuador. [sigh]

  6. Oh, I am definitely tucking this away for future use! I love the imagery you created with just a few carefully selected words!

  7. What an interesting way to share the joys of your children becoming successful adults! The empty nest is a mixed blessing!

  8. Love life equations! I agree with Anita - what a great way to share the joys of your children becoming successful adults!
