I am participating in the Two Writing Teachers Annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge.
"Babies are the only ones who like change."
This quote comes from a cartoon from many years ago. A human resources manager sent it to us when the company I was working for was undergoing some drastic changes.
I was reminded of it this Sunday morning.
I woke up and wandered in to the kitchen for my usual Sunday morning routine. I fixed my typical breakfast of perfectly toasted whole wheat bread with Jiff peanut butter and poured my skim milk into a plastic cup. I squirted the Hershey's Syrup while counting to ten and stirred it up. I took my breakfast to the antique wooden dining room table and looked around.

It has been two weeks since we began receiving our newspaper in the mail instead of being delivered early in the morning. Didn't they know they were upsetting my Sunday morning routine? Didn't they know I enjoyed lingering over the newspaper before starting my day? What made them think this would be acceptable to any morning newspaper reader?
According to the quote, I guess I'm not a baby...although I am acting like one!
I understand being a creature of routine and wanting your favorite routine back! Nothing babyish about that!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading this slice in to your life! I remember reading the paper every SUnday morning at breakfast when I was younger- usually just the comics and "Dear Annie" section, but it was still a favoirte routine of mine :)
ReplyDeleteHave your husband hide it when it comes in the mail and hand it to you on Sunday morning! Keep that tradition alive.
ReplyDeleteOh no, maybe it doesn't come until Monday?
DeleteThe "Sunday" paper actually comes on Saturday, but it is not the same.
DeleteHow dare they upset routine. We still get ours delivered. It is nice going out in the morning to pick it up off the porch. Some of the papers here only deliver three times a week. I would find that hard.
ReplyDeleteWe are truly creatures of habit and we need those predictable routines as islands of solace in a chaotic world. I don't think you are being a baby about it at all. Something that brought you joy and peace has been upended and you need some time to "grieve" that loss. I hope you find a new routine that can be equally satisfying in the near future. I love that you shared this.
ReplyDeleteMany of us are creatures of habit, but on Friday, I was reminded that there is nothing wrong with being a creature of habit. After school on Friday, I went in to my favorite coffee shop to get my afternoon coffee, and the boy behind the counter said, "Medium coffee, right?" I smiled and told him that I am a creature of habit. All three of the employees said in unison, "There is nothing wrong with that.":) I will tell you that I love getting the paper on Sunday morning (usually around 5:00 AM). I would be feeling the same way that you are feeling. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhen you are looking forward to something and it doesn't happen it is naturally upsetting and annoying. What might be a new routine you will create for yourself?
ReplyDeleteThe paper comes in the mail? I have never heard of such a thing. I am totally a creature of habit and understand when things get out of wack how disruptive that can be.
ReplyDeleteRoutines are counted on. My husband is a creature of habit so he absolutely needs his routine to start the day. I can go with the flow more. I hope you finally got your newspaper, Leigh Anne.
ReplyDeleteDon't mess with the morning rituals! I laughed at your last line. Great Slice!
ReplyDeleteOh, routines are important! This would have been a kink in mine as well!
ReplyDeleteNow I'm thinking about my routines:) One morning when I got in my car to go to school, the map app on my phone popped up with a message that it was only 8 minutes to Hardee's:) Apparently I had developed a consistent morning routine before going to school!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine what a loss I would feel if my morning routine were disrupted. You are not acting like a baby. You are mourning what you truly enjoyed!
ReplyDeleteThis was such a fun look into your routine. Very human, reminds me that we all have little things like that in our lives!