Thursday, March 31, 2022

Write What Matters #SOL22

 My thoughts are not what I expected for today. I thought I would be spent and exhausted, and my ideas dried up. After writing and posting and commenting for thirty-one days, that easily happens.

But it didn't this time.

After spending the month looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary and mundane tasks of the day, I have my writing life back. I woke up this morning and was still looking for stories and thinking about how I could serve that up in a slice. When I realized I didn't need an idea for today, I was a little disappointed. A part of me doesn't want the month to end.

I haven't felt this in a very long time.

After listening to Tom Romano on Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher's video, I took his book, Write What Matters off the shelf and began rereading it. The first line in the book says, "Writing matters to me."

There were many days during this challenge where I was disappointed. I began to question my ability to write. Was I not interesting or engaging enough? Did I rely too much on the different forms and not enough on story? Did I publish too late? Is this life stage not what people want to read about?

I never did find the answers to these questions, and that is ok. What I did learn this month is what Romano says, "writing matters to ME." 

And that's what I needed to learn this time around. This challenge is for me. 

Thank you to those of you who took the time to read and comment on my posts this month. I truly appreciate you. And a big thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating this space and this time to write what matters.

I plan to continue my writing journey thought the month of April as I dabble in poetry in several places. I hope you will join me.


  1. I think I need to get that book! I agree with you so much- I have felt really blocked in my writing life before the challenge. Writing every day helped loosen the joints and strengthen the writing muscles again. Some days I didn't get any comments but I wrote for me and that's what matters! I didn't get to visit as many blogs as I would have liked or comment on as many as I wanted to but I plan to come back around. I'm so glad you found the challenge meaningful this year!

  2. I do believe I want to read that book also. :) Thanks for the suggestion...and see you over on Tuesdays. :)

  3. This is such a well-written post, and I could relate to many things that you wrote about. I love Tony Romano's book, though I haven't read it in a while.

  4. I think that is a lesson we all take away at the end of this challenge. Writing does matter to me. If it didn't, we wouldn't be here celebrating the end of 31 days of writing.

  5. SO true...I did not want this month to spite of the fact that few people commented and few people stopped by, I want to keep writing and making my thoughts permanent.

  6. I am happy you were here and wrote. I am happy you hosted the party. I enjoyed your posts and I appreciate your comments. See you on Tuesdays!
