Tuesday, January 1, 2019


For the past several years, I have participated in a reading challenge with Carried Gelson at There is a Book for That.  I love making a list of books that I want to read, share the progress, and then celebrate.

But what about those of us who also write?  Where are things like this for writers?

Thinking about this, I decided to create a writing challenge for this year, although I wouldn't really call it a challenge.  It's more like creating a writing plan, but with the support of a community of writers, much like my Teach Write community. Each day the Teach Write community has a place to share what we write, and I will continue to do that.  But I see #letswrite2019 as more of a panoramic view - a bigger picture.

So how about joining me? Where do you want your writing to take you in 2019?

Maybe its writing a certain number of blog posts?

Or finishing a book?

Or trying out a new genre?

Or writing more of what your students are writing?

Or completing a thesis or a dissertation?

Or venturing into professional writing?

Or taking a writing workshop?  (Here is link to a good one!)

No matter what your writing list looks like, it is the spirit of the challenge, support from other writers, and the celebration that matter. Pulling goals out of a notebook and putting them into the world can be scary. Who cares what I want to write? And that may be true. When we make our goals and plans public, we create a type of accountability that some of us may want and maybe even need if we want to truly expand our writing life. And having the Teach Write community to cheer us on each day is an added bonus!

Think about what you want to accomplish in your writing life this year. If you would like to share it on your blog, then contact me via Twitter at @Teachr4 or leave a link here in the comments, and I will add you to our #letswrite2019 community.

Don't have a blog? Not a problem. Maybe make an image of your plan and send it to me, and I will include it in the list of participants. Or just write your plan in the comments.

The important, yet optional, part will be celebrating our success. I learned about writing celebrations from Ruth Ayes, the queen of celebrating the small things.  So I will have four update posts where we can celebrate together, the big and the small.

First Celebration:  March 31st
Second Celebration:  June 30th
Third Celebration:  September 30th
Final Celebration:  December 31st

So what are you waiting for? Let's Write in 2019!

My post is here: My Writing List for 2019

Check out Kendra Limback's plan here:  Let's Write

You can find Sarah Valter's post here:  #letswrite2019:  Refocusing on Writing

Ruth Ayres is joining us here:  let's write 2019

Margaret Simon is writing from the bayou:  Let's Write 2019

Kali Sosa has joined here:  It's all about VISION & MISSION: #letswrite2019

Trina Haase's plan is here: #letswrite2019

Here is Brent Gilson's plan for an "unplan": Plans a #letswrite2019 post

Check out Michelle Olson's goals:  Books on the Backporch

This is also space for those who do not have blogs. Send me your plan and I will post a picture!

Melissa Wood-Glusac's goals:

Melissa Sawetch's goals:

Hannah Johnson has her goals in her bullet journal:


  1. Replies
    1. Great! When you write your plans, let me know and I'll link it up.

  2. Count me in! I want to get my blog going again and I've got lots of academic writing to do with classes. It's a genre I struggle with and want/need to get better. Thanks Leigh Ann!

    1. Hopefully this challenge will get you going again! When you get your plan made, let me know and I'll include it.

  3. I would love to join this challenge, Leigh Ann!

    1. Thanks for joining! When you make a plan, let me know and I'll include you in the post.

  4. Putting actions to intent! Love it! Totally in, Leigh Anne!

  5. Making ripples, Fran, making ripples! Glad you are joining us! When you write your plan/blog post, let me know!

  6. I want to focus on writing more Leigh Anne, but I think what I want to focus on is writing more memoir. I am going to have to ponder this for a bit, although I will plan to join in for March Slice of Life Challenge!

  7. Yay for this Leigh Anne! I'm so happy you are rounding us up and nudging a public declaration of writing plans. Here's my post: https://ruthayreswrites.com/2019/01/03/lets-write-2019/.
    Shine on,

  8. You've already inspired me! Here's my plan: https://readreflectteach.wordpress.com/2019/01/04/letswrite2019-refocusing-on-writing/

    Looking forward to a year of writing!

  9. Here's my post. Thanks for initiating this. https://reflectionsontheteche.com/2019/01/05/lets-write-2019/

  10. Would love to join a year of writing! Here is my blog address:https://wordancerblog.wordpress.com/

  11. Here is my Blog: https://teachluvchi.wordpress.com/

  12. I'm in! Now to put my plan into writing...I did publish another blog post to jumpstart my goals https://teachingfromtheleft.blogspot.com/2019/01/revive-book-clubs-through-read-aloud.html

  13. Here's my plan: https://trinarrative.blogspot.com/2019/01/letswrite2019.html

  14. Here is my post https://thingsmrgsays.com/2019/01/12/plans-a-letswrite2019-post/

  15. Thanks to Ruth Ayres, I found your writing space, Leigh Anne. I will be writing during the #sol19 March challenge so I will begin with a #letswrite2019 plan. Please add me to your list.

    1. My post,Quiet Reflection, is at https://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2019/02/quiet-reflection.html.
