Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Making Thoughts Permanent #SOL23

As February was winding down, I began to question my decision once again on joining this challenge. Do I really have time? Do I really have 31 stories in me at this point in my life? Do I really want to do this?

This is year ten for me, so there is a nice round feeling about that number. I mean, I couldn't quit at nine. That feels like I am half-dressed or something.

I began to look through my slices from past years. I realized I missed this type of writing. This storytelling. This finding small moments out of my day. Poetry, journaling, and writing professionally take up most of my writing time, but story takes a backseat except for the month of March.

As I looked at my previous years' posts and comments, one comment seemed to grab me. The commentor said something about although she may not have had many visitors or comments on her blog, she enjoyed writing and "making my thoughts permanent." 

This is it.

This is really why I do it.

So, I am taking advice from a slice I wrote last year and celebrating year ten! Thanks for letting me join you.

 Advice from a Slice

Find the ordinary.

Capture the small moment.

Look for the unexpected.

Look everywhere.

Keep a notebook.

Write from the heart.

Tell the story.

Warn your friends and family.

Silence the critic.

Tame the fear.

Accept grace.

Just hit the publish button.


Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. I may just have to print this post and hang it up to inspire for the next 30 days. It is also my 10th year! Thanks for reminding me that it is as simple as making my thoughts permanent! We got this!! (I got this because of the inspiration of slicers, like you!!)

  2. Your post speaks to my heart and your poem is saved to remind ME why I WRITE! I am back for year 12, and the fear of failure is great, but the opportunity to make my thoughts permanent is greater!

  3. Thank you for sharing these thoughts as you made your decision to go for year 10! The feeling of being half dressed resonated with me.
    Your poem is great, especially the lines "warn your friends and family" and "silence the critic". Thank you for that advice!

  4. This is my 10th year as well and I had the exact same thoughts about signing up for the challenge.

  5. Yep. I knew I had to visit you today for inspiration. Saved the poem to my notebook and the rest to my heart. I went through old posts too and realized how much I missed this. Time to try again. I’m glad you are here. Old friends make this easier!

  6. I so enjoyed this post and I'm glad you decided to return. I love the line, "feels like I'm half-dressed" and will hang onto this poem as I strive to create meaningful slices.

  7. I am so happy to see you here once again. I love how many of us doubt and question and then show up anyway. We'll certainly feel there's no time and we'll have the days where the mind is blank and we write anyway. Hugs!

  8. Writing makes me a better person, brings out the "real me," and opens my eyes to so many things. Reading words from you helps with all that, too. So glad you are here for year 10.

  9. Yesterday I was going through my blog… looking for some writing to submit as I am making plans to attend a workshop at Highlights… but what a journey reading all that. The permanence is a gift. Advice From a Slice is a great start for this month… must remember it when the inevitable writer’s block shows up!

  10. Ten years is awesome! I love the format and ideas in your post, your "Advice From a Slice"!

  11. Leigh Ann, I can't wait to read more of your blogs throughout the month. I still think of the quote about Nancy Drew from the Crickets book, and how we write it all down to preserve it. This post today is full of pure wisdom. I like looking for the unexpected. I'm turning that one over in my're full of ideas!

  12. I am so impressed that you have returned to this challenge 10 years! I also appreciate you sharing this poem as it was encouraging to here. I too was scared to take this challenge given all that is going on in my life right now, but then I realized that I didn't have to make it more than it was: a fun change in my writing routine. I think it will be good for me and I am glad we will be embarking on this journey together! I can't wait to read more.

  13. The poem at the end really can be a guide for me in my first year of doing this. Thank you for encouraging me to give it a try. Congrats on 10 years!

  14. So glad you are back for year 10! I look forward to reading your slices this month. I'm on year 4 thanks to your encouragement!

  15. Yes to all the things, Leigh Anne! That's a wise Slice giving free advice. Cheers!

  16. I am glad that you decided to slice this year! "Making my thoughts permanent" - what a powerful thought. This is one of my reasons, too!

  17. So glad you're here! I thought year 10 would be my last, but here I am for an even dozen years. Strangely addicting practice to engage in, especially for someone like me who rarely has staying power. I love, love, love your advice to a slice. It made it into my quote book last year!

  18. Hating this extra step required just to identify ourselves .I'm the Anonymous from the above comment.

  19. Leigh Anne, I like the way you started the March journey. Congratulations on 10 years of writing a slice a day. Just hit the publish button is great advice. Are you hosting a near-the-end-virtual- slicer party this year?

  20. What a beautiful piece to start another year of daily slicing! It's really a gift to go back and reread old slices and have so many years of March chronicled daily on my blog. Your poem captures everything I love about this kind of writing--the ordinary small moments, the grace from myself and my readers, the celebration!
