Thursday, March 20, 2025

A Rambling Slice of Rambling Thoughts

It's 3:00 am. After a trip to the bathroom, I snuggle back under the covers and wait for sleep to return. My mind turns to my need-to-do-tomorrow list, which includes writing today's slice. I have been writing my slice the day before, but that didn't happen yesterday, so here I am thinking about possible topics.

I could write about...

visiting my mom and meeting a new 98-year-old resident or how tornadoes hit Indiana again and how we may get snow today or how I walked through Walmart without using a crutch or how I am moving into teaching my college students how to use quick writes to teach content or how I've read two books this week, and the week isn't over yet or how we marked the 1-year anniversary of empty nest by eating dinner at our daughter's house or how my house needs cleaned because I have not been able to do  much since my knee injury or how I still have so much grading to do or what I am going to do on my last few days of spring break...

but luckily, I fell back to sleep, and now I have a slice, albeit a rambling one!

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating 
a space for me and other teacher-writers to share our stories.


  1. Leigh Ann,
    I was gonna say you woke up because you didn’t write your slice last night, but that list is Yikes! All those to-do things probably awakened you. And about those tornados: I don’t remember Indiana getting tornados when I was a kid. It’s a relatively new phenomenon, I think.

  2. Several people in my training and I commiserated with each other, as we were also up at about 3 for awhile. Glad you git some more sleep.

  3. For a 3am writing your were productive - this is quite a long list. I usually have phrases and half of the time I can't read them.

  4. Leigh Anne, I was up writing at the 3:00 hour too. (I didn't get back to sleep, but just woke up from a nap.) Kudos to you for walking through Walmart without a crutch. What two books have you read this week? Did it snow? You're teaching college? And please, savor your last few days of spring break!

  5. Newtreemom
    I like your ramblings (glad you got back to sleep!)

  6. I enjoyed reading your rambling. I often feel that all my posts are just one big ramble about something or a rambling rant. I'm glad you were able to fall back to sleep. Those mornings can be challenging.

  7. Oooh, ooh, can I choose? My favorite is the celebration of “empty nest” by having dinner with your daughter at her place! Just the mention of it speaks of loving relationships.
    So, now I’m feeling a little pressure to comment on a craft move (haha!) And here’s one- your opening is really good.It places us in time and place and gives us a hint of what’s to come. It also is something MANY of your readers, me included, will relate to.
    And PS- congrats on the Walmart walk! An encouraging accomplishment, I hope.

  8. Love how you seized the opportunity to write. You captured so honestly what happens to many of us in the middle of the night when the worries and thinking just run into each other. You reflected this in your writing with those bold or's and it looks like one long sentence which is how it feels in the mind at that time of night. Glad you were able to get more sleep!

  9. Isn't that the way it goes at 3:00am? My mind runs a mile a minute at that hour when I most want to go back to sleep. Most times I do go back to sleep, but sometimes that's my wake up time. Glad you are getting around better without the crutches. :)
