Sunday, March 23, 2025

An MRI Surprise

Image by Saul from Pixabay

If you have read much of my blog this month, you are probably getting tired of hearing about my knee. Honestly, I am tired of writing about it, but it is has consumed me.  So, one more story about my MRI.

I have never had an MRI, so I wasn't sure what to expect. After removing my wedding ring, I was ready to approach the machine. The technician told me the procedure and reassured me that if at any time I needed to stop, I could. I wasn't nervous about it, so I put on the headphones, listened to the music, and in I went.

Throughout the procedure, she asked how I was doing, and I was fine. At one point the machine stopped and she came in and asked me, "Is your knee hurting?"

I thought it was an odd question because that is where my injury was. I told her no, and she asked, "It's not burning?"

I told her no again.

"You have a piece of metal in your knee. You must have knelt down on something at some point in your life. Because it is metal, and this is like a big magnet, it can cause the metal to heat up. As long as you don't feel anything, we can go on. I can show you the picture when we are done."

After we were finished, she showed me the image with the small piece of metal in my knee, and my fingers went straight to a scar.

When I was in second grade, over 50 years ago, I began sewing. I received my own sewing machine for Christmas, and I was making something (though I don't remember what). 

I dropped a needle on the floor and began looking for it. You know where this is going, don't you?

Hysterical, I told my parents I thought a needle went into my knee. They didn't believe me until they saw the other broken half on the floor. Yes, the needle went into my knee, and I went to the emergency room to get it out

...well, most of it out.

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating 
a space for me and other teacher-writers to share our stories.


  1. Newtreemom
    Well, that was a surprise. I have been feeling for you as you write about your knee… Friday, my (2nd) knee replacement surgery is scheduled. Everything went pretty well the first time, so I’m hoping for the same this time around.

  2. Wow! I'm sure that was a big surprise for the MRI technician. Glad that you didn't feel any pain because of it! What a story you now have to tell.

  3. Oh My! I guess the good thing is that it wasn't a knitting needle. (Sorry). I am surprised that it didn't bother you over the years. arjeha

  4. OMG, to find a piece of a needle in your knee decades later. I hope that eventually your knee will be fine, really fine.

  5. Oh, wow! Your knee is sure giving you a lot to write about. I was not expecting that when I started reading it. It was a great twist.

  6. Wow! That is a really good story -- I wonder how you didn't feel it in the first place, and then didn't feel the burning during the MRI. High pain tolerance for sure! I wonder what it looked like?

  7. What a surprise these years later! It kind of hurts just thinking about it......yikes! Glad it finally came out of hiding.

  8. What a story! Glad it didn't cause you pain during your MRI.

  9. THAT is an amazing story. It must have caused some discomfort over the years????

  10. What a crazy surprise! A bit of your childhood has stuck with you all these years. :-)

  11. Oh my goodness. I'm glad it didn't heat up during the MRI or give you problems over the years!

  12. Oh my gosh-now that IS a surprise! I hope your MRI gives you answers that will lead to healing. I know what you mean when you say your knee has consumed your thoughts (and then stories), as mine led to a torn meniscus. Prayers for answers. :)

  13. Well, this certainly justifies one more knee story- what a great story! I loved that action, when your hand went immediately to your old scar…
