Thursday, March 6, 2025

Slicer Music Festival SOL #6

This is my 12th year of participating in this challenge, and every year but one, I have held a slicers' party. I honestly didn't think this would become a hit, but I am asked every year to host it. I always think I will run out of ideas, but that hasn't happened so far.

This year's party is a music festival! Many songs are attached to memories. As soon as we hear them, we are transported back to those special places and times.

So here is how this works. You must bring 3 songs that evoke a special memory, so take a trip down memory lane and share your stories that are connected to a song.

Here are my three songs:

"Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum

When my husband and I first got married, we lived in an old farmhouse. I loved that house except for the heat. We had little gas stoves, and we only heated the room we were in. We were antique collectors, and my husband would spend hours refinishing furniture. We would listen to music on cassette tapes that we had "remixed" by recording from the radio. "Spirit in the Sky" was one of the songs he played while working, and when I hear it, it takes me back to our first place we called home.

"Your Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

I returned to school to become a teacher when I turned 40. Making this decision was a difficult one. I was a stay-at-home mom, and a second career did not even cross my mind. I had so many questions and concerns. Could I do this at my age? Would my family be supportive? Could we afford it? As I was praying and thinking about the decision, You Raise Me Up seemed to play often. I began to think that God was leading me, and I am so glad I listened to Him.

"Blue Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley

A little over a year ago, we put my mom in a memory care unit. As her cognitive ability continued to decline, she would always perk up and become alert when we played Elvis for her. When we played "Blue Suede Shoes," she knew all the words and would sing right along. Eventually, the nurses would sing, "One for the money" and Mom would sing the rest of it. This is the mom I want to remember. 

As the month wraps up and when you need a slice, (and yes, you know it WILL happen!) accept this invitation to my party.  The best part is that you can join the party anytime during the month. Just let me know you have joined, and I will include you on the guest list down below. I hope you will join us!

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. One song came to mind already. I'll work on this! Thank you!

  2. This is wonderful, Leigh Anne-a musical memory festival! I have to think about this and accept your invitation. Once the slice is complete, I will let you know. Your story about your Mom is a memorable one. I was touched by that. Your other songs and slices are just what I needed to inspire me to write.

  3. Oh, this one is tricky again. I'll join for sure because I like your party, the company that gathers and all the gifts people bring.

  4. Love this idea! Songs are flowing through my head right now but I will save it for a day that I am stuck. I love that Josh Groban song too!

  5. I am so excited to join but will have to think about it. I love the songs you chose and the stories behind them. I learned a lot about you, Leigh Anne. -Heather

  6. How fun - another slicer party hosted by Leigh Anne! Stories connected to a song... sounds good. I love "Blue Suede Shoes" and your story that goes with it. Thanks
