Friday, March 21, 2025

Favorite Books and Authors

"Mrs. Eck, do you have a favorite book?"

I have been asked this question so many times during my teaching career, and I usually answer it in two different ways. "That would be like asking me if I have a favorite child," or "There are too many good books to have a favorite."

Groans usually follow that answer as most students don't like either of those answers, and I understand it. I think they are looking for validation of a choice they made, or the fact that having a favorite is acceptable by someone who (typically) reads a lot.

Because of this, I back up my answer with a comment such as this is my favorite for this week, or this month, or this school year.

I'm also asked about favorite authors, and I can honestly say I don't have one of those either. This made me think about a recent Goodreads post when I used the phrase, "one of my favorite authors." 

I finished reading Old School by Gordon Korman, and I thought about what makes him one of my favorites. 

  1. He writes books that almost all middle school readers can relate to.
  2. His books are funny and many take place in school, giving school a positive image.
  3. His books have a deeper message that kids can understand.
But maybe the real reason why he is one of my favorites is because he has written 105 books! When someone writes that many books and when you read many of them, I believe that automatically launches him into "my favorites" category.

I saw him speak at a conference, and he is hilarious. I could easily see his personality reflected in his books.
Old School is about a boy who has been raised and homeschooled by his grandmother with the help of others in a retirement community. Dexter is twelve...going on 60!

I can't wait to get to school, and book talk this one to my students and say, "This is my favorite from spring break!"

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating 
a space for me and other teacher-writers to share our stories.


  1. Several years ago, when I was running the Young Writers Academy we had him as our guest author. He spent the day with us, spoke to all of the students, and did a mini lesson with them. He was great. arjeha


  2. Newtreemom
    One of my favorites, too. Answering that question with a tag of “right now, this year, when I was in 6th grade…etc.,etc.” is the only way it makes sense.🙂

  3. My kids always loved his books but I hate to admit I’ve never read one. Maybe this is a sign that’s it’s time!

    1. I tried to sign in so I wouldn’t be anonymous but then it kicked me out.

  4. I started reading Gordon Korman in the 80s! I LOVED Don't Care High and Son of Interflux--and still have my copies from way back when. I reread both sometime in the last 7 years or so, and they're still fun.
