Saturday, March 8, 2025

Focus on the Direction SOL#8

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

One step forward and two steps back has been my life since my knee injury on January 20th. I make progress, and then something happens to deter that progress.

Yesterday, I received a second injection in my knee, and I was so hopeful that would help the bursitis. I switched orthopedic doctors, and I felt good about my decision.

As the day went on, it became more painful to walk. I went to bed feeling quite defeated.

This morning, I woke up to a text from assistant principal that had nothing to do with my injury, but it was just what I needed to read.

"Don't be as worried about the distance 
but focus on the direction."

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating 
a space for me and other teacher-writers to share our stories.


  1. Newtreemom
    Glad just the right words came to encourage you. 🤣

  2. Wishing you full healing. Hopefully the injections will work to take the pain away.

  3. I like this! Struggling to heal a hip injury! Thanks for sharing this thought!

  4. Glad you received words this morning that inspired you to keep moving towards your goal. I was not good during my recovery and tried to push to much. It took me a long time to realize I needed to slow down and listen to my body. Don't worry about the length of time, focus that tomorrow will be better.

  5. Such great advice! It is very hard to focus on the goal when the speed bumps deter your progress. I wish you comfort and patience in your recovery

  6. So lovely! It is wonderful when the universe (or an assistant principal) sends you just the right words.

  7. That's when you know you have a supportive administration! Awesome words and great vibes. Wishing you a speedy recovery in the right direction.

  8. I really hope that you can rest and heal. You are one of the strongest women I know. You bring so much light and joy to others. Hugs and prayers for your sore knee, Leigh Anne!
