Tuesday, June 13, 2023


I wrote a slice, "What's That Smell," during the March Challenge about a plant I have had since 2008 from the funeral of either my dad or my father-in-law. 

It wasn't doing too well, so I brought it home from school, placed it in a bucket of water, and I waited.

And waited.

After the root system became stronger and to try and save it, I cut all the leaves off and planted the roots deep in the dirt in a new pot. I placed it in the window in my office where the late afternoon sun comes in, and I waited.

And waited some more.

This was one of those situations where I knew I did what I could, and I just hoped for the best! 

I wish you could have seen my joy two months later when I began to see tiny green leaves poke their heads out and begin to unfurl from the dirt. 

Even from the most difficult challenges, new life can begin again if the conditions are right. Somehow this plant reminds me of my students, and I am sure there is a metaphor growing deep in this dirt about teaching. 

But I will wait for that writing muse to find me as I watch this beautiful plant continue to grow.

I am trying the same procedure with another plant that has sat on the corner of my desk since my first year of teaching (18 years ago) and is not doing well. 

And so...I continue to wait.

 Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating a space to share our stories.


  1. Patience pays off. Glad to hear you didn't give up on the plant. Hope it blooms for many years.

  2. Love this! Nature has so many lessons to share with us. The new life is so exciting!

  3. I can absolutely imagine your joy when you saw those sprouts! I grew some echinacea from seeds in my dad's garden and was so disappointed when they didn't appear this spring. But lo and behold, they were just late to show themselves! Such happiness!

  4. We are so blessed to live in a world where new growth can be found everywhere, if we only look. What I love is that you took the time to create a nurturing environment and then you waited. Isn't that what good teaching does, too?

  5. Beautiful metaphor! And also literal inspiration for some of my own plants that aren't looking so hot.
