Friday, March 14, 2025

Dear Students SOL #14

 Dear Students,

I walked down the hall today and saw this sign on our Student of the Week board. It made me sad because it is not the first time I have seen it this year. But it also made me reflect on my role as your reading teacher.

You were in first grade when we left for Spring Break and never came back. Much has happened since then. Students have changed; teachers have changed. 

I have noticed that we don't have the reading and writing stamina that we once had. Distractions have increased, and our motivation has decreased.

It is not just you; it is also me.

If you had me as a teacher a few years ago, you would have seen me excited about books. You would have heard me talk about books almost every single day. You and I would have conversations about the books you were reading.

I would have recommended more books, given you more time in class to read, and sat down with you reader to reader.

And I would never have seen this sign. 

I have eight more weeks with you, and I hope to find that reading teacher I once was and know I can become again. I have stacks of books waiting this week for me to pick them up, read them, and share them with all of you. 

Spring Break, here I come!

Mrs. Eck

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating 
a space for me and other teacher-writers to share our stories.


  1. I can just relate with your post. I love reading and love teaching small humans to read and to fall in love with reading. But I have also felt the disconnect. I’m posting on my phone and for some reason won’t let me sign in. That’s why I’m anonymous. -Carrie Horn

  2. Oh, how I know the reading lives of students have changed so much. Good luck getting yourself motivated to motivate more reading. It's a tough hill to climb!

  3. These are deep thoughts. Examining yourself as well as your students - which leads to my own self examination, too. Much to ponder here, as I also try to regain my former relationship with books. Thank you.

  4. I enjoyed reading this, only because I am noticing a lack of love of reading in general. I don't know how to increase it -- and I don't think I am the answer. However, that introspection is really powerful in your post. Have a great march break -- yours is starting where mine is ending!

  5. It feels sad. With a touch of hope in the end.

  6. Leigh Anne, you are inspiring, and I know you will return with so much to talk about based on your reading. My colleagues and I have been talking about this for a few weeks, and we are making changes, too. Enjoy your break and the books waiting for you!

  7. Yes, Covid took its toll on so many of us. arjeha

  8. Leigh Anne,
    I’m sorry your reading mojo is AWOL! I miss sharing book recommendations w/ students so take every opportunity I can to tell kids about books. When my reading life is slow, I turn to audiobooks. I just finished Orbital today. It is a gorgeous, brilliant book.
