Saturday, March 1, 2025

Remembering My Why SOL #1


Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 

I have heard the mantra, "remember your why" in many educational circles, presentations, and professional development sessions. Sometimes, it rubs me the wrong way because I think it can be overused. 

As I contemplated joining the Slice of Life for year 12, those words kept coming up. And honestly, they are the reason why I completed the Google form to sign up.

I continue to join this challenge to...

  1. Capture stories.
  2. Document memories.
  3. Renew connections with other writers.
  4. Enjoy "seeing" them again even if it is for just one month.
  5. Practice my craft authentically.
  6. Set a goal and accomplish it.
  7. Learn new writing moves from other slicers.
  8. Sharpen my noticing skills while looking for moments to capture in a story.
  9. Create authentic mentor texts to use with my students.
  10. Receive a natural high when I press the publish button.
  11. Meet new writers from all over the world.
  12. Push me to do hard things.
Look at those verbs! This is my why as I say hello to year 12!

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention: To party! I hope you'll host a party. It's something I look forward to every year. :)
