Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Copier Stress SOL #11

Image by manuelwagner0 from Pixabay

In a recent post, I wrote about how I do not like technology changes. Well, the same goes with copiers. We received a new copier, and I just can't get the hang of it.

When I hit the button for the number of copies, it already has the number one. When I hit 105 for the number of students I have, sometimes the first number one doesn't go away, and guess how many copies I get? Yes! Over 1,000. Luckily, I have only done this once!

My second thorn in the rose bush copier is the double-sided copy button. For some reason, I just can't get this down either. Today, I needed single-sided to double sided. I must have hit double-sided to double-sided because I ended up with an 8-page single-sided document with BLANK pages in-between that should have been 4 pages, double-sided. UGH! 

And this isn't the first time for this. Our old copier had pictures to show you what to do and what you get. I need pictures!

Something that is meant to make my life easier should not be adding this much stress! 

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating 
a space for me and other teacher-writers to share our stories.


  1. Our copier hates me! It has follow me printing, so i always train a few students how to pick up copies for printing for me when I can. I feel your pain.

  2. Oh, yes, the copier mess. For anyone even a little bit environment conscious it feels as if with the mistakes the machine purposefully wants to show it has more power.

  3. So frustrating! Yes, I need the pictures, too.
