Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Three Things That Made Me Smile Today

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

I am trying to avoid social media these days. Mostly because it is a time sucker. 

A while back, I started posting "three things that made me smile today." I loved doing these posts. It helped me to find those small, ordinary things that I was grateful for in my day.

Gratitude journaling has many benefits such as lowering stress, improving attitudes, and increasing happiness. Although I haphazardly keep a gratitude journal, I enjoyed posting these on social media.

As I was deciding what slice of my life to share today, I thought this would be a great way to capture those small moments that I am grateful for.

Three things that made me smile Monday:

  1. The smell of cocoa butter--I have been massaging the muscles behind my knee and the bursa sacs with cocoa butter, and while at first, I didn't like the smell, it now reminds me that through pain comes relief.
  2. Reading aloud to my students--I don't do this often enough, but we are reading a whole class novel, and I have been reading aloud some of the chapters. Even middle schoolers enjoy this!
  3. My husband--with my knee injury, my mobility is limited, and I am unable to go up and down stairs. My husband has been pulling double duty by doing extra things around the house. I am so grateful for his help!

Writing this slice of gratitude made me smile and ended my day on a positive note!

I am grateful to Two Writing Teachers and the other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 

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