Sunday, March 10, 2024

A New Season Part One 10/31

My one little word this year is "season." I spent the day helping my daughter move into my mother's house--that is another slice yet to come!

For now, because I am exhausted, I will share a little bit of the spring explosion from this week. I hope Mother Nature isn't teasing this year, and spring really is on the way!

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. I’m with you on that hope for the spring season to really have arrived. And what a ‘season’ of change for your family, with that move!

  2. I hope you were able to rest and enjoy some quiet today. Lots of transitions at your house! I admire how you keep smiling through it all, Leigh Anne!

  3. My little patch of daffodils bloomed, too, and I’m beginning to see buds on appearing on bare branches of trees. We’ve had so many teases of Spring I am ready for it to come and stay.

  4. I love your photos. My post that I wrote today for tomorrow has the same theme- the first flowers of Spring. They do bring hope.
