Saturday, March 2, 2024

Space, Space 2/31

Surely, I didn't do that! 

No, I really couldn't have.

Did I?

Photo by jules a. on Unsplash
I read a slice yesterday from Lisa Corbett who was searching for her very first slice from 17 years ago. I had remembered what my very first slice was about but not my first March Challenge slice. So off I went to find and reread it.

It was March of 2014. Ten years ago. The minute I clicked on the post, I became horrified! 

I have been teaching for 17 years, 10 of those years teaching middle school language arts.

...and I was still double spacing between sentences!

Surely, I didn't do that! Did you?

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. Leigh Ann, I'm feeling seen. I'm over here raising my hand just high enough that nobody sees except you, hiding in the audience crowd. Yes, yes, I cringe when I look back at some of the things I've written and the way I've done it in the past. And I have to remind myself: this was my journey that brought me here. It's just the road map, the glorious road map of progress. I'm raising a toast to you, friend. We are on the journey.

  2. We were told to double space between sentences in those days. The change only happened w/in the last seven or so years. However, you can go back and change all this double spacing errors if it makes you feel better.

  3. I am still working on correcting this. It is ingrained in my fingers. This is inspired me to go back to look at my own first slice.

  4. Haha, I love this! When I first started teaching ten years ago, actually, my mentor did the same. We became extremely close, and I began "making fun" of her for it. Like Heather said, it's just ingrained in her. I'm excited to look back when I've been slicing ten years!

  5. Love your humor. It's illuminating to review previous posts and writing drafts. I sometimes ponder how I have been influenced by other people's suggestions and styles.

  6. Not to worry - your writing always inspires. I just wish that something like this was my worst "faux pas" in my writing journey. "Someday I'll go back and edit..." Maybe, maybe not. It does show our progress, doesn't it? Thanks for making me smile.

  7. Spaces, no spaces, too many spaces - isn't it great that you wrote?

  8. Congrats on Year 10! Thanks for this slice as it brought a smile to my face.

  9. Isn’t it grand that you revisit and find spaces for revision? That is what it’s all about, right?

  10. I think that I still do sometimes double space between sentences. It was how I was taught to type and it is a habit that is hard to break. I'm sure if you look at some of my current day writing it is still there. Maybe that is why I often write poetry since spacing is up to the poet.

  11. This made me laugh. Way to go pulling us in with your teaser, and then with your whole slice. Haha! I read the slice yesterday too and it got me thinking that I should look back at my first slices… but I’m kinda scared to read what I wrote. :)

  12. All. The. Time! It's a habit and I cannot seem to break free. It's wonderful to see you here at #SOL24!

  13. Leigh Anne, oh, yes, indeed! I was an excellent typist back in the day, and I always put in two spaces after sentences. When did it change, I wonder? It's funny how we can develop new habits, like one space after a sentence now.

  14. Laughed so hard at this. I STILL sometimes have to backspace to remove that extra space. Old habits apparently die very very hard.
