Another March comes to a close, and I am reminded of beginnings and ends. Each finish line becomes a new starting line in races, in relationships, in life, and even in writing challenges.
The month of writing stories ends, and the month of writing poems begins.
The connections between slicers ends, and the connections between poets begins.
The words stacked in stories ends, and the words beating with rhythm and rhyme begins.
Looking for the small things in my ordinary day ends and looking for small things in the sky begins.
I missed five days in the challenge for the first time in eleven years. I am disappointed but not devastated. I captured life as it happened. I watched old seasons in my life change and come to an end, and I watched new and exciting ones emerge.
And isn't that really what finish lines are for?
Thank you to the writers at Two Writing Teachers for creating this safe place for us to meet, to share, and to grow as writers. Thank you to my Teach Write community for supporting me, celebrating with me, and holding me accountable every week during check-in. Thank you to the slicing community for reading my words and letting me know that they somehow touched you or inspired you in some small way.
My next starting line!