Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nest is Empty 18/31

"For everything there is a season." 
First dinner with mom and dad.
Nest is empty; heart is full.

Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. Leigh Anne, I love the photo and the feeling of family tucked into a poem.

  2. Perfect caption to show so much love and a significant change in life.

  3. What a wonderful photo to document this time. \I am happy that your nest is not far away. It is different when the nest is empty.

  4. I love how Carol said it_ a family tucked into a poem… that’s exactly what this slice feels like. A heart-full poem indeed.

  5. Leigh Anne, wow, that last line is perfect! Congratulations to you for making it, and that beautiful daughter looks healthy and happy to be out of the nest, checking out flying on her own.

  6. OMGoodness. THIS is a slice to celebrate even though I am sure it is bittersweet. To have our birdies fly the nest is always the dream and goal, but also a painful moment of time.
