Monday, March 17, 2014

SOLSC #17 - It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

 Read more slices atTwo Writing Teachers 

Jen at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee at Unleashing Readers cohost It's Monday! What Are You Reading?  Be sure and stop by to participate or see what others are reading and recommending this week.

I am on spring break this week, and I am hoping to mark off several of my books on my Must Read in 2014 list.  I have two stacks of books:  one at home and another one of new books I left at school.  I hope to make a dent while I am enjoying my time off!

Bigger than a Bread Box by Laurel Snyder

I read this book after I read Seven Stories Up by the same author.  Although they are referred to as companion books, they do not need to be read in any order.  

Rebecca is a twelve year who is trying to deal with her parents separation.  After an unexpected move to her grandmothers house, she finds a bread box in the attic. Much to her surprise and delight, she finds that the bread box will grant her certain wishes.  For a child who is in a place where she doesn't want to be, granted wishes seem to make it a little bit easier.  But is it?  Rebecca must find out who she really is and where she wants to be.

Odette's Secrets by Maryann Macdonald

I love stories about WWII, especially when they are based on real people!  There are several things that make this book stand out for me.  One is that the story is told in verse.  Because it is told in verse, it is told from a gentler perspective.  It is a story about a girl living in Paris who has to deny her Jewish heritage and learn to be a Christian in order to survive.  She lives a life of secrets.  Secrets which would be very difficult for a child, but makes a beautiful story.

"Yes, telling my story is what I must do.
I'll write it down here
In the most beautiful words I can find."

Clara and Davie by Patricia Polacco

This book is classic Polacco!  Who knew she was related to Clara Barton!  This new book tells the story of Clara's early life and how she overcame speech difficulties.  Her bother became her protector, her hero while she became a healer.  Wonderful story!

Next Up...

Come back this week and read my review on this new
 middle-grade novel by Holly Schindler.  
I think you're gonna like it!


  1. Sounds like you found some really interesting books. I have not read much YA literature since I retired. I need to get back to it.

  2. Great reading week, Leigh Anne! Is that a new Polacco book - in which case, I need to get a copy!

  3. I am so glad I clicked to read your slice. I love Patricia Polacco and am glad to know she has a new book. I plan to look for the 2 novels, too. After reading Hellen Frost's books told in verse, I'm a big fan of this kind of genre. At your recommendation, I'll try Odette's Secret. Thanks for sharing. Happy Spring Break and I hope you get read all that you plan to read!

  4. Have you noticed that as soon as you cross one book off the reading list, two or three more will be added there. Bigger than a Bread Box sounds inviting, and how could I not read a book by Patricia Polacco. Thank you for the recommendations.

  5. Happy reading this week! I have to also check out that Patricia Polacco book and I adore books written in verse too. Thanks for adding to my book list! :)

  6. I loved Bigger than a Breadbox. I bought it for my daughter - such a special book for the pre-teen age group.

  7. I love finding out about what people are reading! Gives me inspiration and new ideas!:)

  8. Sounds like you have a great plan the week. It's always refreshing to be able to complete some of TBR books off you list. Happy reading!

  9. You are being so productive during your break! Odette's Secrets sounds interesting to me! Thanks Leigh Anne!

  10. I'm intrigued by The Junction of Sunshine & Lucky!!! Can't wait to read that review! Hope you're enjoying your spring break!!

  11. Patricia Polacco is simply so prolific, I haven't even heard of this title yet. Enjoy your spring break! My daughter's spring break is coming up next week, lots of books to read and enjoy, definitely. Odette's Secrets looks like a fascinating read. :) Have a great reading week!
