Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Slice in GIFs #SOL22

As the hours and minutes count down and my mind turns to thinking about returning to school after a lovely week of spring break, a colleague sends a text message to our group of teachers.

"Is everyone super excited about tomorrow?"

Here is our answer in GIFs.


Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. 


  1. Oh my gosh! Love this slice! Gifs are my favorite. This is my last week of work BEFORE spring break starts...I'm sorry yours is ending, but I hope it was relaxing!

  2. Very original slice. The emotions the GIFs emanate, speak a thousand words. GIFs also reminds me of wordless picture books.

  3. Priceless and perfect!

    Heidi (Book Dragon)

  4. Thanks for the idea of a gif created slice, Leigh Anne. It was funny and brought a smile to my face. I hope your day back is delightful.

    I gladly accept your invitation to your slicer party. My slice can be found at

  5. Made me laugh! Going to use those memes next week when my colleagues and I return to work! Thanks!
